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Annic's memorable Rotary exchange

The Rotary Club of Corowa recently bid farewell to Annic Arnold, a 17-year-old Rotary exchange student from Cham, Switzerland, whose extraordinary journey over the past year has left a lasting impression on everyone she met.

            Over the past 12 months, Annic has immersed herself in the Australian culture, forging unforgettable memories and friendships. At the club's weekly meeting last Wednesday, she shared her transformative journey with the club members, reflecting on the wonderful experiences that have shaped her year in Corowa and Australia.

            Annic's arrival in Australia was a significant moment, filled with excitement and a touch of apprehension. She was greeted in Melbourne by Laurelle Van Leeuwen (her first host mum) and Kerrie Crawford (her mentor), who would become pivotal figures during her exchange.

             "It was very emotional coming to Australia' Annic recalled. "Being welcomed by Laurelle and Kerrie made me feel at home."

            Throughout her exchange, Annic had the opportunity to explore various parts of Australia, participating in several enriching activities and trips that showcased the country's diverse landscapes and cultures.

            Among her highlights were a four-day safari to Airlie Beach, where she bonded with fellow exchange students over shared experiences and adventures, and a second safari to Sydney, where she travelled by train and experienced the city's iconic landmarks.

One of the most remarkable experiences for Annic was her trip to the Red Centre, exploring

Uluru and Alice Springs.

Despite being a vegetarian, she embraced the local culture by trying kangaroo and camel meat.

She described the extreme temperatures, the thrill of sleeping under the stars, hearing dingoes at night, and visiting a local school where Indigenous students taught them their language and culture. "Everything could come and attack us," she laughed.

Another highlight was her trip to Kangaroo Island, where the freezing temperatures and wildlife experiences added another dimension to her adventure.

In addition to these trips, Annic attended four orientation weekends, each offering its own set of memorable moments. The first orientation weekend, held in Corowa, set the tone for her exchange where she was able to build initial friendships.

Annic integrated into the local community seamlessly, attending Corowa High School, where she made lasting connections with both students and teachers.

One of her standout experiences was participating in the Debutante Ball, an event she described as the "absolute highlight of my exchange. I would do it again!'

The Debutante Ball, a practice unheard of back in Switzerland, provided Annic with a unique cultural experience, allowing her to bond with her peers.

Her time in Australia was also filled with various activities that enriched her exchange experience. From golfing and camping to surfing, Annic embraced every opportunity. She also cherished moments spent on the Murray River and participated in lamb marking with President Bill Bott.

Expressing her gratitude, Annic thanked the Rotary Club of Corowa and her host families for their support and hospitality.

"Thank you to the club; I feel at home. To my host families - thank you for letting me into your lives and to Kerrie, my counsellor. You are all my best friends. Special thank you to Meredith (Miegel) lor everything to do with the exchange' Annic said'

Annic also acknowledged her parents, ]ack and Daniela, and her two older siblings.

"Thanks to my parents. I never thought I would exchange, always being homesick when I was younger' she admitted. "I've had the best time, and I'll definitely come back. Come back and visit me too," she concluded.

Corowa Rotary President Bill Bott shared his thoughts on Annic's year with the club. "On behalf of the Rotary Club of Corowa, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Annic Arnold for her extraordinary year with us," he said. "We've been truly blessed to have her as part of our community. Her parents, Jack and Daniela, should be incredibly proud of the significant contribution she has made'

'Annic has been a wonderful ambassador for Switzerland, and her involvement has enriched our club immensely. Annic's poise and confidence have been remarkable. 

"She wholeheartedly engaged in all activities, bringing enthusiasm and a fresh perspective to everything she participated in.

"Our club has been enriched by her presence, and we have no doubt that the knowledge and experiences she has gained here will serve her well throughout her life.

"It has been a great deal of pleasure having Annic with us. As a token of our appreciation, we are pleased to present a gift to her parents and a special bottle for Annic's 21st birthday in 2028.

"We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and look forward to seeing all the wonderful things she will achieve."

Annic's father, Jack Arnold, also expressed his gratitude. "My wife Daniela and I are grateful to have had the opportunity to visit Corowa and bring our daughter Annic home," he said.

"We want to say a thank you to everyone who has been a part of Annic's journey here.

We've seen a lot of emotions from her over the past year, and we are so proud of her.

"Honestly, we didn't believe she would do it, especially given how homesick she used to get. Annic has had an amazing year, and we couldn't be prouder of her.

"Thank you to the Rotary Club of Corowa.

2023-11-08 Wally Cann – 30 Years of Service in Rotary


Wally Cann received a certificate of Appreciation last night for his 30 Years of Service to the Rotary Club

of Corowa.

2023-11-08 Aleisha Price – Nepal Visit Recap

Aleisha made an informative presentation on her trip to Nepal, well supported by copious slides and photos. She told us about her trip with much enthusiasm, including about her hiking trips and many of her photos featured Mt Everest in the background.

The highlight of the trip was the group’s contribution to the running of a regional Dental Health Camp in Solokhumbu, Nepal 26th – 27th September 2023. The Rotary Club of Corowa had provided Aleisha with $500 to defray expenses for her trip, but she instead donated the money to the organisers of the Dental Health Camp.

On her return, Aleisha presented President Bill with a plaque, a certificate and a traditional scarf on behalf of the group in Nepal.

 Wednesday 16 August 2023


President Bill Bott was very pleased to induct new member Annette Schulz into the Rotary Club. Annette's sponsor was Kerrie Crawford and her classification is Remedial Massage Therapist. Annette was also presented with a bottle of President Bill's muscat. 


$500 cheque for Miki City Exchange

ln support of the Federation Sister City Program with Miki City, the Corowa Rotary have presented a cheque for $500 to support the framing of the official delegates and hosts' photo.

Federation Council Mayor Pat Bourke thanked the Rotary Club and said it is very generous community contribution towards the long standing and valued Sister City Program.

"Each year an exchange takes place between the Federation Council and Miki City, where culture and customs are shared and lifelong friendships are made," he said.

In this 26th year of the Program, a Miki City delegation is scheduled to visit Federation Council from August 22 to August 27, 2023.

The funds will support an official framed photo of delegates together with their hosts and the Federation-Miki Sister City Committee. It will be presented to Miki City, celebrating the long-standing relationship and the 2023 visit to the Federation Council.

Members from the Federation-Miki City Committee worked together with Corowa Rotary, volunteering at community event BBQ's to raise funds.

Mayor Bourke said a lot of hard work takes place behind the scenes to maintain the relationship

and plan and coordinate the program. "The input from Council's volunteer Miki City Committee is a key and valued part of this” he said.

To support the impending Miki City delegation visit, a Memorabilia Display will be on show at the Corowa Art Space from Friday, August 11 until Sunday, September 3, 2023.

Featuring mementos and artefacts from students and community members who have participated in the Miki City and Federation Council Sister City Exchange Program. Items include gifts presented to Federation Council, artworks, photos, ceramics and examples of the agricultural, hardware and blacksmithing industries which flourish within Miki City. Entry to the Miki City Memorabilia Display is free. Open Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm, Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 2pm.

To find out more about the Miki City Exchange program and the upcoming visit, please visit the council website :

www.federationcouncil.nsw. gov. au


PICTURED: Corowa Rotary representative Gary Poidevin OAM presents Cr Aaron Nicholl's with a $500 cheque in the Council art space.

Thursday 27th July 2023

Last night Corowa Rotary welcomed our new Exchange Student, Annic Arnold. Annic is from Cham in Switzerland and will be living in Corowa for the next year. A big thank you to Corowa High School and her first host family, Laurelle and Richard Van Leeuwen. If you see her around please say G’day!

Wednesday 12 July 2023 Free Press

Rotarian Bill Bott AM takes the helm.

By Adrienne Hartnett


The Rotary Club of Corowa held its highly anticipated 84th Changeover Dinner last week, marking the transition of leadership and celebrating the achievements of the outgoing president Stephen Apps.


The event, held at the Corowa Golf Club, was filled with official proceedings, warm fellowship, and a sense of pride for the club's contributions to the community. During the ceremony, President Stephen Apps passed the reins to Bill Bott AM, who was officially inducted as the new President.


The highlight of the evening The highlight of the evening was Mr Apps being honoured with a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow award, recognising his remarkable dedication and long-term service to the club while outgoing treasurer Paul Miegel was also recognised for his years of devoted service to the club and the Corowa community with a Paul Harris Fellow award.

In his report, Stephen Apps expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve as the president for the past year, commending the Rotarians and partners for their unwavering support throughout his tenure. "The Rotary Club of Corowa has a long tradition of helping the community and the world through its various programs and local efforts” he said. "This year has been no exception, with the club continuing to support and lead many events and help with Rotary fundraising across the world”. Mr Apps also highlighted the club's involvement in and leading events such as the monthly markets, the Tim Fischer Oration, Federation Parade, Australia Day Fireworks, and the BNS Ball, among others. He extended his appreciation to the dedicated individuals who contributed to the success of these events.


The club also made significant contributions to charitable causes, donating over $30,000 to various organisations including Aquabox, Shelterbox, and Rotary Health. Additionally, the club donated wheelchairs to the District Governor's Family project, Wheelchairs 4 Kids, and received a district grant for the fencing project at Bangarang Park.

Mr Apps acknowledged the club's commitment to youth exchange programs and mentioned the experiences of exchange students such as Andrej Smizansky from Slovakia and Cooper Connell in Germany. Currently, Corowa's Niamh Lavis is representing the club in Italy on an exchange program.


Over the last 12 months, the Rotary Club of Corowa saw a growth in membership, welcoming nearly 40 members, including their first corporate membership with Corowa PharmaSave. "Our membership chair Rosemary Ferguson should be congratulated on following up leads from our fellow Rotarians to grow our awesome club”' Mr Apps said. "I welcome all our new members and their partners to our Family of Rotary and hope they enjoy continued service in the club for many years.”'

The outgoing president expressed his gratitude to the board members and club officers for their dedicated service, particularly highlighting the contributions of vice president Deborah Rowe, secretary Margaret Brown, and treasurer Paul Miegel. He also extended his thanks to Assistant Governor Paul Miegel and District Chair of Youth Exchange Meredith Miegel for their valuable support and leadership. He also thanked District Governor David McPherson for his guidance throughout the year.


The Rotary Club of Corowa received further recognition during the Rotary District 9790 Changeover, held in Wangaratta on June 25. District Governor David McPherson presented the club with an award for Membership Growth during the 2022/23 Rotary year, acknowledging their efforts in expanding and diversifying their membership base.